The Common Service Center Scheme was launched by the Indian government. This was carried out in accordance with the National E-Government Plan Scheme. Under Bharat Nirman, it intends to offer citizens G2C (Government to Citizen) and B2C (Business to Citizen) services directly to their homes.
According to this plan, the budget has been divided between 10,000 CSCs in urban India and 100,000 CSCs in rural India. The fundamental tenets of this plan are cost-effective and high-quality e-governance services. In this article, we will be looking at how CSC seva kindra can be opened as a business startup. So, stick till the end and not miss any information.
How can you open CSC Seva Kendra?
The very first thing that you have to do is head to the official government CSC portal at
Then, From the bottom of the website select CSE VLE registration.
Lastly, click on Apply followed by New Registration.
This would result in opening up your account.
How can CSC Jan Seva Centre be a start up
One thing that you must know is that government provides a compensation of 11 rupees for every single transaction carried out by the Centre. Any sort of registration or payment of bill also makes up for an earning opportunity. But you need to be eligible first to be able to open a CSC Jan Seva Kendra. The following things need to be there that would make you eligible:
A PAN card.
Must be above 18 years of age.
Should at least have passed class 10th.
Have a computer along with a printer and stable internet connection with a space of 200sq m.
Scanner and a webcam.
Advantages of CSS Jan Seva Centre
The very idea of a CSC Kendra is rooted in the fact that a lot of people still today don’t have the expertise or means to make certain documents for themselves which include certificated, exam admits cards, job applications, etc. So, the only resort these people have is go to some public service centre and get it made for a certain amount. Now, the government has resolved to take this responsibility upon there own shoulders and open CSC centres that would make the entire process a lot more accessible as well as streamlined. Furthermore, every government scheme that the government provides can be availed through via these centres.
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